Case Study

Derivan HealtheClean

Derivan HealtheClean

What are some of the key sustainability aspects of your business and products?

At Derivan HealtheClean, we are committed to sustainability across the entire lifecycle of our products, from formulation, sourcing of raw materials, package design and manufacture. Our customers and the environment benefit from our green and effective 100% non-toxic, non-polluting, cruelty-free and non-hazardous cleaning products available in the Australian and New Zealand market.

Why did you choose to get GECA certification?

We are certified under GECA’s Cleaning Products and Personal Care Products standards. GECA certification proves that our products are green, safe and that they work. The GECA ecolabel means that our company has met strict criteria to ensure the sustainability of our products. GECA certification enables consumers to make informed choices about the environmental performance of the products and services they purchase.

How important is certification to you? And how do you use it in your customer marketing?

GECA is a world-recognised certification essential to our business’s success, as it ensures that we are always on the cutting edge of environmental-friendly innovation. We formulate our products to meet or exceed the existing green standards. This means that our products are the safest and most effective solution for our family, friends, organisation, staff, customers and environment.

GECA certification gives tangible proof to anyone who demands sustainable products. We use our GECA certification in marketing materials to educate and validate our “green” credentials, demonstrating to our customers that we are environmentally conscious and care about sustainability.

What’s changed for you since going through the certification process?

The GECA certification process ensures the integrity of our claims to sustainability. That we have been able to maintain our standards and, at the same time, make sure we are doing everything in our power to protect the environment. In short, certification keeps us on our toes and ensures our practices are second-to-none when it comes to sustainable cleaning and personal care.

What do you think are the biggest sustainability challenges for your industry right now?

It is each manufacturing company’s responsibility to make sure their products are safe. They need to do so to protect the health of their customers and the environment. When companies cut corners by using cheap, sometimes dangerous chemicals in their products, it can have a detrimental effect on the industry.

These days, it’s hard to tell which products are genuine and which ones are greenwashing their way into the marketplace. That is why we are so pleased to be working with an organisation that can help us refine our processes to be as safe and sustainable as we can. GECA is an independent certifying body that assesses companies’ technologies, products, and services against robust criteria relating to the environment, human health, social impacts and fit for purpose.

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