We’re thrilled to announce that the popular collectible Woolworths Bricks is returning with the GECA certified Bricks Farm, championing Aussie farmers and the fresh food they provide to Woolworths customers.
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GECA Celebrates Recycled Products for National Recycling Week!
Planet Ark’s National Recycling Week is reminding Australians that much of what we currently send to landfill is actually valuable material that could be reused, repurposed or recycled. This year’s theme – “Waste isn’t waste until it’s wasted” – focuses on simple and actionable tips that enable Australians to keep those valuable materials in circulation, whether at home, work or school.
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GECA’s New Green Star Recognised Standards Can Help Australia to Build Back Better
Buildings and the construction industry in Australia have a significant environmental footprint, including waste generation, water consumption, energy usage and greenhouse emissions. Building and construction are responsible for 39% of all carbon emissions in the world. GECA is thrilled to announce Green Star recognition for six new standards, which make it easier for architects and other building professionals to select products and materials that are better for people and planet.
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