• GECA Guide: What is GECA's Carbon Strategy?

    GECA Guide: What is GECA’s Carbon Strategy?

    GECA’s primary purpose is to create solutions for sustainable consumption and production. One critical part of this is to assess the main drivers and threats in the Australian building sector and explore how we can catalyse the reduction of carbon emissions.

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  • Are You Ready for Australia’s Circular Future?

    Embracing the transition to a circular economy in Australia is a significant step toward achieving a better future for people and planet. Australian industries must move beyond a benchmark of ‘least harm’ and toward one of adding ‘more good’.

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  • Meet GECA's New Cleaning Products Standard

    Meet GECA’s New Cleaning Products Standard!

    Cleaning products are essential for healthy and appealing living and working conditions. However, they can also negatively impact human health and the environment. To determine whether a cleaning product is truly sustainable or not, you need to look at its entire lifecycle. That’s where the latest version of GECA’s Cleaning Products standard comes in!

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