GECA News and Events
  • Sydney Indesign panel discusses benefits of GECA

    Sydney Indesign was a resounding success that saw the display of an assortment of innovative and exciting designs. The main hub of the event — the Galleria — presented a number of discussions; one of which GECA was led by GECA. The discussion showed the benefits and importance of GECA as well as the demand for it from the perspective of licensees and specifiers.

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  • In the spotlight: Ridley Scott uses GECA certified products

    The newest film from acclaimed director and producer Ridley Scott hit the big screens last year with a cameo appearance from the GECA certified Brainwash tables. Prometheus is set in the year 2089 and takes viewers on a journey not to the end of existence, but the beginning. It has been dubbed sci-fi birth as opposed to the often-seen sci-fi apocalypse. The tables appear in one of the early scenes of the film in the crew dining hall on board the Prometheus Spaceship.

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  • Interview with car-loving industrial designer of GECA certified products

    If there was ever any doubt that people are full of contradictions, just spend some time with industrial designer Taku Kumazawa. The creator of the GECA certified Tipo mesh stacking chair, and CTZ tilt-top table turns out to be a bit of a rev head, admitting that he secretly covets a gas-guzzling 1970’s lime-green Porsche 911 with a whale tail.

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