GECA News and Events
  • New adhesives standard on the way

    Recognising the desire by companies to demonstrate the environmental preferability of their adhesive and related products, GECA is updating its Adhesives standard. As well as updating criteria, the new standard will see its scope changed to include joint sealants and fillers, but most likely will be narrowed down to products used in building work…

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  • More GECA standards to be recognised by GBCA

    We are pleased to announce that swift progress is being made in getting more GECA standards recognised by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA). In October the GBCA announced its intention to expand an existing Assessment Framework, enabling more GECA standards to be recognised. This has now occurred.

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  • Green behaviour encouraged through strengthened environmental self-identity

    Campaigns which remind individuals of the environmentally-friendly actions they already perform may motivate them to even more pro-environmental behaviours, new research from the EU suggests. If people identify themselves as environmentally-friendly, they are more likely to carry out green actions, even in the absence of any incentive.

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