• Exploring Circularity: Why We Must All Be the Change

    This month at the Australian Industrial Ecology Conference 2018 we explored the various concepts required to get to circularity. The solutions posed were exciting and innovative and offer an inspiring vision for the circular economy.

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  • Sustainability Is About More Than Just The Environment

    Winya Showroom, 34 Redfern Street, Redfern Tuesday, March 6, 2018 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM || Click here for tickets! || The new ISO 20400 International Standard for Sustainable Procurement addresses a much broader view of sustainability, which includes social and cultural sustainability, supply chain viability and impact and a focus on the people producing the product. Join

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  • The Best Tools for Sustainable Government Procurement

    Local governments spend significant amounts on goods and services every year – NSW Local Government alone has an annual turnover of $10 billion to maintain local communities. This means there’s enormous potential for local government to have a massive impact on driving procurement that’s better for the environment and socially responsible. Former Local Government New

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