GECA News and Events
  • Where can I find GECA-certified textiles?

    25 Jun 2014 3:03 am

    With the release of the new GECA Textiles and Leather standard, as well as heightened consumer awareness surrounding where our clothing comes from, it makes sense that more people want to know how they can buy more ethical fashion.

    GECA’s new textiles standard has only just been released, so it will take some time for manufacturers to get products certified under it. This means that currently you won’t be able to find any certified clothing in stores. Most GECA certified products tend to be used in the architectural and interior design industries, rather than products consumers can find in a supermarket or shopping centre, so you can expect to see soft furnishings (such as cushions, curtains, and upholstery) certified under this standard.

    However, it would be great to see clothing companies get GECA certification as well.

    Consumers need to tell clothing manufacturers and stockists that there is a significant demand for certified sustainable clothing and textile products. If there’s a clear demand for certification, this will help encourage clothing brands to look for a way to demonstrate that their clothing is environmentally preferable, socially responsible and safer for human health – such as by displaying the GECA logo.

    GECA encourages consumers to write to their favourite brands, telling them that this is an issue which matters and asking them to get their clothing products certified with GECA. To make this easier for you we have drafted a letter here.

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