Residential housing significantly contributes to Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions and electricity bills remain high, so why is the move to sustainable, energy efficient housing so slow?
A new TV show concept, Renovate or Rebuild, aims to crack open sustainable building options to a broad audience. It combines reality-TV with behavioural science by encouraging Australian home owners to choose healthier and more energy efficient homes.
Renovate or Rebuild is a 30-minute lifestyle show where two teams compete to convince a Sydney-based family that they have the best solution to providing more space, comfort and reduced energy bills.
Team Renovate, headed by former Channel 9’s The Block contestants Michael and Carlene believe the family should renovate their existing home, while Team Rebuild headed by The Block’s Norm and Jess think the family should knock down and rebuild.
The two solutions are judged by an expert panel on style, sustainability, and cost but ultimately the decision will come down to the family – will they renovate or rebuild?
According to Dr Josh Byrne Renovate or Rebuild host and CRC for Low Carbon Living (CRCLCL) researcher, “CRCLCL research has revealed that 67% of consumers are interested in purchasing homes that are energy efficient, but home-owners don’t know how to navigate all the options.”
“Key findings from the CRCLCL’s social research show that sustainability needs to be communicated in a mainstream way for it to be effective. Our goal with this series is to demystify the process of building or renovating an energy efficient home by communicating it in an engaging and entertaining format,” Dr Byrne said.
The episode and supporting website will show how options like correct building orientation, access to natural light, cross ventilation, energy efficiency and solar power can help create a healthy, comfortable and affordable homes.
“GECA is thrilled to be supporting this mainstream showcase of why people really love livability”, said Kate Harris, GECA CEO. “We will be supporting how buying better is good for you and your family – and how labels and standards make sure a product truly is what it says it is.”
“It’s time for consumers to be making informed choices – to choose happy healthy lives moving forward. After all, home is where the heart is!”
The pilot episode will be released on YouTube on 28 May 2019.
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