GECA News and Events
  • Record Number of Finalists in the Running for the 2019 Premier’s Sustainability Awards

    2019 Premier’s Sustainability Awards
    4 Oct 2019 3:59 pm

    The calibre of entries in Victoria’s 2019 Premier’s Sustainability Awards has grown from strength to strength with a record number of entries this year.

    This year’s Awards celebrate sustainability in 11 categories demonstrated by educational institutions, businesses in every sector, health organisations, government and community groups right across the State.

    Interim CEO of Sustainability Victoria, Carl Muller, has congratulated finalists in this year’s Premier’s Sustainability Awards, describing the 2019 entrants as ‘exceptional’.

    “Not only is the quality impressive, but we’ve had the largest number of entries in the program’s 17- year history,” he said. “As sustainability becomes increasingly important for communities, businesses, industries and governments, the Victorian Premier’s Sustainability Awards have never been more significant to share learnings and inspire us all.”

    Monash University Gillies Hall

    This year’s finalists showcase an array of diverse innovation, including: a settlement agency that has regenerated an historic garden through the work of local refugees (AMES Australia and Parks Victoria); Environmental Monitoring Solutions – a company that has revolutionised fuel management for suppliers and petrol stations; a volunteer program that connects people to parks called Volunteer Parks Guides; a hospital, Western Health, that helps disadvantaged patients and reduces healthcare waste by re-homing second-hand healthcare equipment; a hotel soap recycling initiative called Hotel to Hands that saves disadvantaged children’s lives through improved hand hygiene; the Kia Ora Merino family farm that produces sustainable wool and the Strathmerton Wastewater Treatment Plant by Booth Transport that has a workforce of worms.

    The Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, will personally select two winners for the Premier’s Regional Recognition Award and the Premier’s Recognition Award to be presented at the Awards ceremony on Thursday 10 October at Forum Melbourne.

    Sustainability Victoria manages the Awards on behalf of the Victorian Premier and the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change. These awards are an important way to showcase how everyone can take action to improve our environmental sustainability and reduce the impacts of climate change.

    Click here for more information on the Awards and to see all of the finalists.

    Ballarat Tech School War on Waste – Precious Plastic Program

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