GECA News and Events
  • Chemicals of Concern and the Sustainable Development Goals

    Chemicals of Concern and the Sustainable Development Goals

    Chemicals of concern are a growing issue for human health and pollution. In the last few decades, local governments and international institutions have developed regulations to control the use and management of chemicals. Let’s explore how the Sustainable Development Goals address this critical issue.

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  • Sustainable Development Goals

    GECA Integrates its Standards with the UN Sustainable Development Goals

    At GECA, we’re celebrating the Global Week to #Act4SDGs (17-28 September), which in preparation for the COP 26, aims to inspire, mobilise and connect people, networks and communities from every part of the world to act on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It’s a wonderful opportunity to reignite the conversation on how everyone can embrace the SDGs for a fairer future. We’re also keen to share how we have embedded the SDGs in our work at GECA.

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  • Sustainable Development Goal 8

    Taking a Closer Look at SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Quite often, when we hear the word sustainability, the environment is front of mind. However, a sustainable future requires a holistic approach and acknowledgement of the interconnectedness between the environment, people and economic outcomes. In this article, we are zooming in on Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

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