GECA News and Events
  • Helping housekeepers operate sustainably

    The hospitality sector is well aware of the need to meet customers’ sustainability expectations. And it, like other business sectors, appreciates tools that make it easier for them to achieve this, such as the Good Environmental Choice (GECA) ecolabel.

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  • GECA licensee spotlight: Sustainable Living Fabrics

    Sustainable Living Fabrics aims to minimise its environmental footprint from the farm to the furniture for every fabric range. Sustainable Living Fabrics is an environmental leader setting itself apart by having every fabric range in it’s Green Living Collection independently accredited as environmentally preferable.

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  • Innovation @ theReaDy Melbourne

    Innovation is the key long-term driver of sustained and sustainable economic development. But it is more than just developing new products. It is about reinventing business processes and building entirely new markets that meet untapped customer needs. It is also about selecting and executing the right ideas and bringing them to domestic and international markets in record time.

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