GECA News and Events
  • Help with product stewardship is at hand

    An innovative environmentally and socially responsible Melbourne-based company is doing great things in the world of recycling. Using products that would otherwise end up in landfill, Green Collect utilises one man’s trash to create another man’s treasure. Materials are carefully collected, sorted, disassembled and remade by hand by people re-entering work after long periods of unemployment or homelessness.

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  • Come listen to us at Sydney Indesign this Friday

    This Friday 16 August Rupert Posner, CEO of Good Environmental Choice Australia, will be presenting at one of Sydney’s most exciting design events: Sydney Indesign.

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  • GECA teams up as event partner for Australian Sustainability Conference

    Australia’s largest sustainability event for business will be forming a strategic partnership with GECA, along with Sustainable Business Australia and the Banksia Foundation. Our CEO Rupert Posner is a member of the conference advisory board and will chair a number of sessions. It’s a great opportunity to find out about the latest in the sustainability space and earlybird rates end soon.

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