The Comfort Inn Airport International Motel, 57-73 Yass Road, Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia
Find out about how you can take advantage of Australia’s North Asia Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Korea (KAFTA), Japan (JAEPA), and China (ChAFTA) with a free seminar.
This interactive session will give you an opportunity to hear directly from the Hon Andrew Robb AO MP, Minister for Trade and Investment as well as officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Austrade and other government agencies, on the practical benefits that you may be able to realise from the FTAs.
Whether you are an experienced or potential exporter, the landmark FTAs can offer significant advantages in the lucrative Asian market.
The seminar equips you with the information to help realise the benefits created by the China, Korea and Japan FTAs including:
- Market Opportunities
- Access and tariffs
- Grants and assistance
- Managing risk
- Legal compliance
- FAQs
- Success stories
Seize the opportunity! Register your interest now.
The Comfort Inn Airport International Motel
57-73 Yass Road
Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia
9 Apr 2015
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Advanced manufacturing
Food & Beverage
Tourism & Hospitality