An ambitious new standard for Australian homes will help drive the transformation of the housing market to ensure new homes are built to a higher standard which is focused on health, resilience and net zero energy.
The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) has recently released its Green Star for Homes: A strategy for the future. At GECA, we welcome the pilot of the standard for residential buildings. With many GECA standards recognised under Green Star, our licensees will also have the opportunity to be specified under this new residential building standard.
CEO Davina Rooney said the GBCA has been working in partnership with industry and government to help accelerate the transformation that has already begun in the residential sector.
“The delivery of new homes that meet a Green Star standard at volume is ambitious and challenging, but we are confident that we can support the housing market to deliver the transformation that has already begun,” Ms Rooney said.
“Since its inception, our voluntary Green Star certification program has demonstrated the appetite of Australian companies to take action to achieve a lower emissions future.
“Green Star has helped define what we expect from our buildings, and importantly, it has created opportunities and value for all those who help create our buildings and cities to deliver on these expectations.
“With more than 2,600 certifications and the uptake of Green Star continuing to increase, extending into the residential homes space is the next logical step to achieving emissions reduction at scale in our buildings.
“All the evidence clearly establishes that living in a healthier, more energy efficient and resilient home is better for people, for families, and for the planet.”
Data shows that on average, Australian families spend 90% of their time indoors, with two-thirds of this at home. So it’s not surprising to hear that 57% of Australia’s total emissions come from our homes.
“If we are serious about limiting global warming to below 1.5 degrees, as committed to in the Paris Agreement, we can’t ignore our homes,” Ms Rooney said.
Ms Rooney said that all Green Star rated homes should be powered by renewables, comfortable and resilient to future climate change.
“We are currently engaging with industry and government to develop a standard that will achieve these outcomes.”
“The release of this strategy now builds on the extensive consultation we have already undertaken and enables deeper engagement with industry and government to seek further feedback,” Ms Rooney said.
A comprehensive pilot period will test the standard with industry and investors to ensure it is fit for purpose in helping support consumer demand, provide a competitive advantage for volume home builders, and assure outcomes for banks, investors and insurers.
So far the GBCA has received strong interest in the pilot program, and they are pleased to announce early commitments from Chatham Homes, Delos, Development Victoria, HEZ Development, Ingenia Communities, Metricon, New South Homes, Rawson Homes and Stockland.
Green Star for Homes: A strategy for the future is available here.