A revised version of the GECA standard for Reusable Plastic Bags (RPBv2.0-2019) is now available for public comment. This standard was created to empower manufacturers, retailers and consumers to transition away from single-use plastic bags toward options that are better for people and planet.
Currently, vast numbers of Australian consumers use disposable bags for carrying their shopping, with over 7 billion single-use plastic bags in circulation each year. Many of these plastic bags are made from petroleum and natural gas, which are non-renewable resources. Some are also made from coal and cellulose.
Plastic bags contribute to a wide range of serious environmental impacts, such as pollution of our waterways, littering our green spaces, harming wildlife and depleting resources during their manufacture. According to Planet Ark, over 200,000 single-use plastic checkout bags are dumped in landfills every hour.
Ideally, we see a future without plastic bags of any kind, however we’re not there yet. While more and more consumers are getting comfortable with bringing their non-plastic reusable bags from home when they go shopping, the reality is that many people will still opt to buy reusable plastic bags in-store.
This is where our Reusable Plastic Bags standard comes in.
At GECA, we decided that if significant numbers of people are going to be using reusable plastic bags, then it was vital that this option was made as sustainable and ethical as possible. We wanted consumers to be able to purchase a bag with a high quantity of recycled content, that was also recyclable.
GECA welcomes comments on the standard from the public and industry professionals until 24 October 2019. A draft copy of the standard is available here.
Please submit comments and feedback to standards@geca.org.au or +61 (2) 9699 2850.