Australia’s favourite eco-friendly cleaning brand have polished up their image with a new name and a new product. EkoWorx has made the leap to the simpler, easier to find, Koh. And, they’re following it up with the debut of their GECA certified, eco-friendly, Koh Dishwashing Tablets.
Whilst the name ekoWorx has served the company well and reflects what the business is all about – ecological solutions that work – the company needed a name that better conveyed their mission to remove chemicals from the homes of individuals and simplify the cleaning process all round.
Koh means ‘island’ in Thai. Even though we all have the best intentions for the planet, buying the best products to keep the world healthy and happy can often be difficult. We can’t all be out there battling ecological disasters but we can all do our bit to look after our own little island. If each of us does the same, we create a healthier and more sustainable whole.
The Koh Dishwashing Tablets have been announced hot on the heels of the rebrand and have already caused quite a stir in the online Koh-mmunity. The National Asthma Council of Australia’s Sensitive Choice Programme has named these dishwashing tablets as a preferred product for those with allergies and sensitivities. Whilst being allergy-friendly, they also give a better clean than other leading brands, something that has been independently verified by Enzyme Labs.
It’s been a big year for Koh and things are set to get bigger and brighter as they transition to an international business with their recent launch in the UK. Don’t Koh away!