GECA recognises that truly sustainable procurement is about moving beyond tokenistic gestures. So, as the global marketplace increasingly looks for solid sustainability credentials, GECA is challenging businesses, government agencies, industry groups and NGOs around the world to elevate themselves above the greenwash.
GECA urges organisations both big and small to take the Positive Procurement Pledge to develop, document and implement a sustainable procurement policy to govern all purchasing decisions by 31 December 2020.
The soon-to-be-launched Pledge will give organisations a unique opportunity stand out from the competition and demonstrate leadership and innovation within their sector. The Positive Procurement Pledge is open to any organisation – regardless of its sector, size and location – that is involved in procurement decisions and processes.
Pledgers will need to measure and prove their progress to GECA over a three-year period and allow GECA to publicly share their key achievements. It’s not about perfection, it’s about celebrating the wins and learning from the challenges together. All pledgers will gain access to exclusive networking events, toolkits, webinars and other support for the sustainable procurement journey.
For more information please contact GECA at