At GECA, we know it is essential to be clear and precise when making recycled content claims to ensure people can confidently make informed decisions.
When purchasing products made from recycled content, you are keeping materials out of landfills and groundwater, growing new markets, encouraging more manufacturers to use recycled materials and valuing circular product design. According to research by Planet Ark, 70% of Australians are more likely to purchase a product if it contains recycled content.
However, there is a right and wrong way to make environmental claims, including those relating to recycled content. Greenwashing harms brand value and can undermine the credibility of the whole industry, creating scepticism around environmental claims. It can also expose you to serious legal risks.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) have prioritised greenwashing as a significant compliance priority.
What you exclude can be just as meaningful (or misleading) as what you include—for example, claiming that your product is made from 100% recycled plastic yet failing to be upfront that plastic only makes up a small portion of the product’s total ingredients.
Click below to read our new position statement aligned with current best practices on making recycled content claims, and reach out via if you have any questions.