GECA is pleased to have become a member of The Sustainability Consortium (TSC), a US-based global organisation of diverse participants working collaboratively to build a scientific foundation to improve the sustainability of consumer products.
TSC develops methodologies, tools and strategies to improve the environmental and social sustainability of consumer products. The Consortium brings decision makers and some of the world’s largest organisations together to build knowledge of sustainability and drive impact on a range of product categories. Working groups cover sectors such as retail, food, packaging, textiles, and more.
As a member, GECA now has access to the valuable resources developed by TSC and can help Australian businesses benefit from their extensive and detailed research, tools and services, including general and customised training.
In particular, Australian retail businesses may find the product category sustainability toolkits useful when assessing materiality in their product portfolios. TSC work addresses over 70% of the consumer goods footprint and much of the global supply chain is already working with the TSC tools.
For more information on The Sustainability Consortium visit