The latest edition of Your Home, Australia’s most comprehensive consumer guide and technical manual for sustainable homes, has just been released by the Department of Industry.
The fifth edition of Your Home has been extensively updated with new information, and is a great resource for homeowners, designers and builders alike. An explanation of GECA’s role as an independent eco labelling organisation is included in the book, with guidelines for how to choose environmentally-preferable building materials and ensure that sustainable methods are used from start to finish throughout a building project.
The publication delivers practical and comprehensive information about environmentally sustainable design and building to both homeowners and the building industry.
Your Home includes user-friendly step-by-step guides for consumers who want to renovate or build an energy-efficient home; as well as in-depth technical information. The book is a great place to start if you’re interested in designing, buying, building or renovating a truly sustainable and energy efficient dwelling.
Visit to find the fifth edition of Your Home.